98 Posts In Total


03-29 Ubuntu 的 OpenGL 环境
01-09 ReadPixels in Mesa


09-26 Machine Learning (ChatGPT said)
09-21 PRIME
09-16 Replacing NIR with SPIR-V?
09-12 Display Pipeline in Linux
08-30 Boot-up Graphics in Linux
08-27 我从围棋中学到的
08-19 AMDGPU 驱动(KMD + UMD)中的一些缩写词解释
07-15 我在邮件列表里学英语
07-09 电影里的经典台词
07-01 Linux Graphics Application Common Issues
06-27 Cache 及一致性
06-25 Mesa 对 LLVM 的依赖
06-14 Play with HiKey970
06-13 Linux System Calls
05-19 Linux Kernel Debugging
05-11 Knowledge from "[RFC] Plane color pipeline KMS uAPI"
05-08 Submitting My First Linux Kernel Patch
04-24 ChatGPT 告诉我的
04-23 Installable Client Driver
02-03 Light Display Manager


11-08 Using Sanitizers
11-06 Building Linux Kernel
10-17 FAQs about System Programming
09-18 Build your program
09-18 Vulkan-Samples
09-15 观“老石谈芯”视频笔记 (二)
09-09 LLVM & llvm-project
09-03 CLion 使用笔记
07-31 Sogou IM on Ubuntu Jammy Jellyfish
06-19 Advanced Shell
06-19 Regular Expression
04-17 TexLive
03-19 find


12-28 Geometry Shader
12-18 My english is poor
11-19 弈城围棋
11-19 词汇: nightly
10-25 Image Format in OpenGL
10-22 OpenGL Pipeline
10-14 C++ Template
10-10 观“老石谈芯”视频记
09-17 GPU Scheduler in Linux Kernel
09-15 Buffer Sharing and Synchronization
09-15 Atomic Mode Setting 设计概要 第一部分 (译)
09-12 mesa中的winsys层
08-19 TTM vs GEM
07-11 Hello, Rust
07-01 CUDA on WSL2
06-28 CUDA Thread Hierarchy vs OpenGL Compute Shader Thread Hierarchy
06-25 Linux perf初探
05-21 CPU Hotplug in Linux
05-19 udev, sysfs & libudev
05-08 OpenGL Transform Feedback
05-07 OpenGL Objects
04-22 OpenGL Extensions和Version
04-15 g++ 那些事儿
04-15 gcc那些事儿
04-12 了解 Linux DRM 子系统
04-08 Mesa Gallium 驱动框架
04-07 DRM Device
04-06 OpenGL Program Object
04-02 Vulkan-Docs Build
04-01 Wayland
03-23 glmark2 Benchmark
03-18 ARB_shading_language_420pack
03-18 ARB_program_interface_query
03-18 ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object
03-18 ARB_explicit_uniform_location
03-18 ARB_indirect_parameters
03-11 Mesa 的 GLX 实现
01-25 git 学习笔记
01-25 lspci 学习笔记
01-10 CMake Cheatsheet


12-20 Kylin V10 窗口透明问题
12-04 Altering Your GCC/Python Version Easily
11-12 EGLImage
11-11 DRM format modifier
11-10 glamor
10-19 Build X Server (Xorg) from Source
09-27 Pixmap in X
09-15 Draw Commands
09-03 X11中的Display, Screen, Depth和Visual
07-24 关于C++应该知道的那些事
07-23 ARB_sparse_texture
07-04 Smart Pointer
07-02 ARB_texture_storage
06-30 ARB_texture_swizzle
06-09 ARB_texture_view
06-09 ARB_shader_ballot
06-05 ARB_point_parameters
06-03 POSIX Threads Synchronization - Spinlock vs. Mutex
02-29 vim 速查手册
02-26 GCC __attribute__
02-24 Debugging X11 with tcpdump
02-08 Windows Subsystem for Linux
02-04 Notes for Mesa